I wish this is my last try

 I have a long list of reasons why I should leave you, but I didn't.

I beg myself, please let this be your last try, and yet I keep trying again and again. 

For the apologies I never received, for all the wishes of it to be sweet again like in the beginning..

You used to call me princess, and I used to believe that. 

I throw all my dignity away, I throw my ego for the sake of making things work. I want to make things work. For once I want something last and not to throw it once it gets hard. 

But you keep threatening me of leaving and I keep making a way for you to stay.

I want to let you go now, but I want you to know the damage you have caused me. I want you to know how hurt it is to stay for you.

It is selfish for broken people to spread away their brokenness.. you found me as a happy girl,  only to be left as a woman who deactivate her account. 

I wish I could die right now.

I wish I could die and never met you anymore.

You hurt me.


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