
Showing posts from 2022

Something about love,

  I am still learning and unlearning these patterns about love. It was only yesterday I live a zero romance kind of life, and the next thing I knew I already dated someone from Morocco and Turkey. They happened so fast, without me ever asking nor expecting. Now I know how it feels to be swept off of my feet, to be greeted with a bouquet of red roses and romantic card, to be picked up with a nice clean car in a strange city I just visited, and to be treated like I was the only woman in his world. At least I learn something from those past mistakes; if a guy wants you, they will do ANYTHING to make you happy.  But then I learned.. what's next? What will happen after they get what they want from you? Today, amidst the news from those celebrities about cheating husbands, got me thinking that there is no such thing as pure love. Yes, they are in love. Yes, they love their wives. But that doesn't prevent them from tasting another flavour. We are not here to judge whether that's w

Warteg Anugerah

 Juni akan segera berakhir. Tampaknya, Juni 2022 ini akan saya tutup di Pangkalan Kerinci (Insya Allah jika Allah mengijinkan). Kata orang tempat itu indah, tapi saya tidak lagi berani berekspektasi apalagi sampai kegirangan. Karena pasti ada saja hal terjadi jika terlalu antusias menunggu sesuatu. Post ini saya beri judul Warteg Anugerah, sebagai apresiasi sebuah tempat usaha yang sesuai namanya; bagai anugerah bagi saya di Bulan Juni. Bulan tengah tahun yang membuat semua jantung berdebar karena rupanya kalender yang baru dipakai beberapa bulan ini akan segera diganti. Begitu cepat semua diganti. Semua pun akan terganti tanpa kecuali.  Sebuah warung kecil yang bersih, lantainya bersih, tempatnya terbuka namun cukup teduh untuk mereka yang makan, dan cukup jauh dari lalu lalang kendaraan sehingga makanan yang di pajang dibalik jendela kaca itu terlihat utuh menggoda tanpa noda. Saya temukan warung ini pada suatu pagi yang terik, bosan dengan menu yang itu-itu saja, bosan setiap hari h

June!! (Again)

  May always has a way to ruin my routine. I lost my grandfather on May 2021 which turns everything upside down. Now, I have my May watching Johnny Depp trial while waiting for the news of Ridwan Kamil's missing son. So many things happened and yet, I can't pause the work. Work flows like a river with infinite end. But it's over now, it's June. The trial has ended (Johnny wins, yeay), the Governor's son still missing, and I am still stuck on my desk, working.  But now I am able to define joy. I always know that joy is from within and we can't rely on external source to be happy. This is June, so I decided to chose joy on daily basis. *** June, 2nd 2022

Allah is constantly talking to you

  Have you ever come across the experience where you were thinking of something, and that something happened? Or when you question something, the answer come to your head?  Today, I had a kind of difficult day with work which I never experienced before in this new place. I got here six months ago, and everything is all sunshine and glitter. Happy day, happy thought, happy faces are all my daily digest. Until today, when I suppose to regulate my emotion, and I was begging Allah for one thing I want the most, and yet the answer is no. I couldn't resist but to cry, and yet I managed to regain self control and move on. I asked Him, why. Why did He rejects the only wish I have for the past six months, and then a few hours later an old colleague of mine invites me to a birthday dinner. We used to celebrate our birthday together in a fancy and classy way, because she's way older, way richer than me, and she happened to call me when she's having difficulty at work. After those diff

My COVID Story

  22-02-2022 I got tested as COVID positive. The first time I had Covid since this virus went viral. It wasn't a good Tuesday, at least not for me. I constantly think about death, although I know so many people have recovered from it. I had the symptoms.. pretty badly.. that painful fever, body aching, I cry in my room, I move to the other room and cry in that room, wishing for death. I had sore throat, and hoarse voice. So.. yeah. I got covid. Days went by, and I learn to live with it. It's getting lighter, but what warms my heart is the attention I get from my surroundings. Friends keep sending me food, plenty of them.. frozen food, milk, chocolate, herbs, honey, oat biscuit.. everything I need is here because they're sending me. While writing this post.. which I'm pretty aware it's been a while since my last post.. I have an herb with honey. The herbs is from my bestfriend Hera, and the honey is from my bestfriend since high school, Ijal. I also had a cookie with