The Man Who Invented Christmas

"I say a lot of things that are nonsense when I'm working. You know how ideas took possession of me. You knew I was like this when you married me"

Catherine nodded. Her eyes began to fill with tears.
"Yes.. I did. But you have.. no idea what it's like to live with you. To always walking on eggshells, trying to guess your mood, to knew which of your commands are whimp and which aren't and sometimes I.. I feel your characters matter more to you than your own flesh and blood" she sobs.
There was a pause between Charles Dickens and his wife, Catherine before he said..

"I am who I am.."
"and who is that? It as if there's two of you. One who is kind and gentle and the secret self that none is allowed to know or question"

Pojok kamar, habis isya tanggal berapa lupa yang jelas Hari Senin.
Catherine Dickens teach me tonight, on how to be a patient wife of a great man. The great woman behind great man, eh? You mean.. great tears?


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